Male Female
Yes No
[Note : Are you allergic to alcohol-based products? - If Yes, Unfortunately, there is no treatment available.]
Liver disease Kidney failure Diabetes Cushing's Syndrome Addison's Disease Hypoglycemia Anemia Anorexia Nervosa
Anti-cholesterolemic Anti-coagulants Anti-mitotic agents Anti-ulcerants Beta-blockers Psychotropics Retinoids Allopurinol Danazol Interferon Levodopa Vitamin A, vitamin D or Fosamax
Diffuse Patchy Baldness
Father side Mother side Brother Sister None
Good Poor
No Normal Moderate Severe
Online Flyer Friend/family Clinic/retail outlet
Chinese Ginseng & Herbs Co - 2000Yang’s Chinese Medicine Centre - 3020HRT Acupuncture and Massage Centre - 4109Diamond Bridge Clinic - 4218Australian MP Natural HealthcareGreat China Chinese Medicine - 5000Mt. Gambier Chinese Medical Center - 5290Health Way Developments - 2606
Must see the whole thinning area of scalp. Separate the hair from the center with a comb, making a part in the middle and focus the camera shot on most affected area of the scalp.
Front Photo Maximum file size for attachment is 5MB
Lift hair up near the temple with opposite hand to show the thinning area of the temple then look up. Focus the camera shot on most affected area.
Right Photo Maximum file size for attachment is 5MB
Left Photo Maximum file size for attachment is 5MB
Must see the whole thinning area of scalp, directly behind subject. Separate the hair from the center, making a part in the middle and focus the camera shot on most affected area.
Rear Photo Maximum file size for attachment is 5MB
Note -: Please be sure to record the distance between your head and camera as you will need the exact same distance for your after photo comparison.